Mobile Physical Therapy
What Is Tai Chi?
Often referred to as "meditation in motion." While Tai Chi originated as a martial art in China, it's used today around the world as a form of wellness movement. Tai Chi guides you through a series of gentle movements that can help you improve your health, lower your stress levels, and increase your overall sense of well being.
Tai Chi relies on the Chinese principle of qi. It's believed that qi is an energy force that flows throughout the body. Tai Chi is thought to promote the healthy flow of qi, clearing blockages and helping the body to feel energized. Tai chi is also thought to promote the balance of yin and yang, opposing elements that keep the universe (and our bodies) working in harmony.
At Age Well Physical Therapy, we incorporate Tai Chi into our physical therapy programs for our clients. Our mobile physical therapy allows your physical therapist to come to you, making it easy for you to get the physical therapy you need in the convenience of your home. When you incorporate Tai Chi into your health and wellness plans, you'll notice several health benefits. The inclusion of Tai Chi in health and wellness programs has been proven by the CDC to reduce the number of falls for aging populations. Tai Chi has the ability to keep you safe, long after your mobile physical therapy appointment is over.
If you're interested in physical therapy, or want to know more about incorporating Tai Chi into your life, reach out to Age Well Physical Therapy today. We're excited to meet you and work with you to meet all of your wellness needs.